AS Number
AS Name
Org Name
AS5398 SA






AS5398 Looking Glass






IPv6 NUMs(/64)


19,712 IPv4 Addresses
CIDR Description IP Num AS5398 SA 4096 512 MPAE Srl 1024 BE.iT SA 256 BE.iT SA 256 AS5398 SA 512 AS5398 SA 256 AS5398 SA 8192 AS5398 SA 512 AS5398 SA 512 Weblink srl 4096
CIDR Description IP NUMs(prefix /64)
2a02:210::/32 AS5398 SA 4294967296
2a0f:e880::/29 AS5398 SA 34359738368
AS Description Country/Region IPv4 NUMs IPv6 NUMs IPv4 IPv6
AS52320 GlobeNet Cabos Submarinos Colombia, S.A.S., CO Colombia 4,096 8,589,934,592 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS6762 SEABONE-NET - TELECOM ITALIA SPARKLE S.p.A., IT Italy 132,608 8,589,934,592 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS7195 EDGEUNO S.A.S, CO Colombia 31,232 4,276,158,464 IPv4 IPv4
AS13030 INIT7 - Init7 (Switzerland) Ltd., CH Switzerland 112,896 107,395,481,600 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS34177 CELESTE-AS - CELESTE SAS, FR France 192,768 42,949,672,960 IPv4 IPv4
AS58511 ANYCAST-GLOBAL-BACKBONE - Anycast Holdings Pty Ltd, AU Australia 23,552 8,589,934,592 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS202032 GOLINE - GOLINE SA, CH Switzerland 1,024 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4
AS6057 Administracion Nacional de Telecomunicaciones, UY Uruguay 2,155,520 68,719,476,736 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS15605 CONNESI - Connesi s.p.a., IT Italy 20,992 17,179,869,184 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS30781 JAGUAR-AS - Free Pro SAS, FR France 97,024 133,144,051,712 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS12552 IPO-EU - GlobalConnect AB, SE Sweden 568,576 274,878,758,912 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS12637 SEEWEB - SEEWEB s.r.l., IT Italy 89,600 231,928,233,984 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS48362 TKSWF-AS - Stadtwerke Feldkirch, AT Austria 7,680 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS49605 DTS-AS - Digital Telecommunication Services S.r.l., IT Italy 9,472 38,654,705,664 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS57111 ALTITUD - NOVA NETWORKS S.R.L., IT Italy 3,072 34,359,738,368 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS199524 GCORE - G-Core Labs S.A., LU Luxembourg 94,208 111,280,128 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS398465 RACKDOG-LLC - Rackdog, LLC, US United States 28,416 103,347,650,560 IPv6 IPv6
AS5713 SAIX-NET - Telkom SA Ltd., ZA South Africa 1,989,888 17,596,481,077,248 IPv4 IPv4
AS15547 NETPLUS - SA, CH Switzerland 134,144 42,949,672,960 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS47147 AS-ANX - ANEXIA Internetdienstleistungs GmbH, AT Austria 1,536 196,608 IPv4 IPv4
AS20932 SIG-ST - Services Industriels de Geneve, CH Switzerland 9,472 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS34224 NETERRA-AS - Neterra Ltd., BG Bulgaria 40,704 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4
AS34927 iFog-GmbH - iFog GmbH, CH Switzerland 5,120 244,383,744 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS37468 ANGOLA-CABLES - Angola Cables, AO Angola 9,216 42,949,672,960 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS56987 AS-ABACLOUDA - ABACLOUDA SAS, FR France 1,024 34,359,738,368 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS559 SWITCH, CH Switzerland 2,184,704 176,093,790,208 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS9002 RETN-AS - RETN Limited, GB United Kingdom 27,392 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS14840 BR.Digital Provider, BR Brazil 66,560 14,009,892,864 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS31510 IKB-AS - Innsbrucker Kommunalbetriebe AG, AT Austria 27,904 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS1764 NEXTLAYER-AS - Next Layer Telekommunikationsdienstleistungs- und Beratungs GmbH, AT Austria 86,784 274,878,234,624 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS25091 IP-MAX - IP-Max SA, CH Switzerland 14,848 68,719,607,808 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS29075 IELO - IELO-LIAZO SERVICES SAS, FR France 43,264 107,374,182,400 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS37721 Virtual-Technologies-Solutions-SA - Virtual Technologies & Solutions, BF Burkina Faso 15,872 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4
AS8220 COLT - COLT Technology Services Group Limited, GB United Kingdom 1,362,944 25,770,721,280 IPv4 IPv4
AS17557 PKTELECOM-AS-PK - Pakistan Telecommuication company limited, PK Pakistan 3,856,984 4,295,032,832 IPv4 IPv4
AS20811 BRENNERCOM-AS - Retelit Digital Services S.p.A., IT Italy 69,632 103,079,215,104 IPv4 IPv4
AS3356 LEVEL3 - Level 3 Parent, LLC, US United States 29,843,712 77,330,644,992 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS5392 TELNET-ITALY - TELNET S.r.l., IT Italy 16,384 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4
AS8660 MATRIX-AS - Italiaonline S.p.A., IT Italy 28,672 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS35360 GARGUNET - Frederic Gargula, CH Switzerland 1,024 34,359,738,368 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS200780 APPLIWAVE - Eurofiber France SAS, FR France 21,248 38,654,705,664 IPv4 IPv4
AS6695 DECIX-AS - DE-CIX Management GmbH, DE Germany 0 0 IPv6 IPv6
AS41327 FIBERTELECOM-AS - Fiber Telecom S.p.A., IT Italy 8,448 68,719,476,736 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS47692 NESSUS - Nessus GmbH, AT Austria 35,584 34,359,869,440 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS174 COGENT-174 - Cogent Communications, US United States 35,883,520 293,442,027,520 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS24482 SGGS-AS-AP - SG.GS, SG Singapore 21,504 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS34019 HIVANE - Hivane Association, FR France 2,816 1,245,184 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS50877 AIRBEAM-AS - Airbeam S.r.l., IT Italy 6,144 34,359,738,368 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS9498 BBIL-AP - Bharti Airtel Limited, IN India 2,107,392 4,299,096,064 IPv6 IPv6
AS6461 ZAYO-6461 - Zayo Bandwidth, US United States 1,675,264 18,255,118,336 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS6939 HURRICANE - Hurricane Electric LLC, US United States 524,544 282,631,699,169,280 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS12350 VTX-NETWORK - VTX Services SA, CH Switzerland 310,016 8,589,934,592 IPv4 IPv4
AS47734 TELECOM-IT-SOLUTIONS-AS - Telecom IT Solutions SRL, RO Romania 256 65,536 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS49544 i3Dnet - B.V, NL Netherlands 94,464 354,874,032,128 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS8708 RCS-RDS - DIGI ROMANIA S.A., RO Romania 1,917,440 73,014,444,032 IPv4 IPv4
AS9009 M247 - M247 Europe SRL, RO Romania 1,302,016 266,368,712,960 IPv4 IPv4
AS38193 TWA-AS-AP - TRANSWORLD ASSOCIATES (PVT) LIMITED, PK Pakistan 25,344 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS18106 VIEWQWEST-SG-AP - Viewqwest Pte Ltd, SG Singapore 53,248 13,153,337,344 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS20912 ASN-PANSERVICE - Giuliano Claudio Peritore trading as "Panservice s.a.s. di Cuseo Fabrizio & C.", IT Italy 16,896 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS35280 F5 - F5 Networks SARL, FR France 51,968 81,604,378,624 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS37100 SEACOM-AS - SEACOM Limited, MU Mauritius 1,072,896 12,884,901,888 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS39351 ESAB-AS - 31173 Services AB, SE Sweden 9,728 4,295,884,800 IPv4 IPv4
AS5405 INTERDOTLINK - GmbH, DE Germany 1,280 34,359,738,368 IPv4 IPv4
AS9930 TTNET-MY - TT DOTCOM SDN BHD, MY Malaysia 741,888 4,295,098,368 IPv4 IPv4
AS12779 ITGATE - IT.Gate S.p.A., IT Italy 45,824 42,949,804,032 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS59890 Kabel-TV-Lampert - Kabel-TV Lampert GmbH & Co KG, AT Austria 13,312 34,359,738,368 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS58115 SWISSIX-OUTREACH - SwissIX Internet Exchange, CH Switzerland 0 0 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS64289 MACARNE - Macarne LLC, US United States 7,168 1,078,460,416 IPv4 IPv4
AS209823 ENKI-AS - Enki Multimedia EURL, FR France 256 4,295,294,976 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS137409 GSLNETWORKS-AS-AP - GSL Networks Pty LTD, AU Australia 66,560 107,407,736,832 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS8218 NEO-ASN - Zayo Infrastructure France SA, FR France 47,360 12,884,967,424 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS49709 VIDEOBYTE - Videobyte S.r.l., IT Italy 2,048 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4
AS51184 FONIRA - Fonira Telekom GmbH, AT Austria 12,800 111,669,739,520 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS13237 LAMBDANET-AS - euNetworks GmbH, DE Germany 572,416 111,669,149,696 IPv4 IPv4
AS57463 NetIX - NetIX Communications JSC, BG Bulgaria 0 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS58299 OPENFACTORY-AS - Openfactory GmbH, CH Switzerland 2,816 12,885,032,960 IPv4 IPv4
AS Description Country/Region IPv4 NUMs IPv6 NUMs IPv4 IPv6
AS1820 WNET - WNET TELECOM USA Corp., US United States 51,456 38,923,141,120 IPv4 IPv4
AS12615 GCN-AS - Global Communication Net Plc, BG Bulgaria 14,848 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4
AS31272 WILDPARK-AS - WildPark Co, UA Ukraine 62,464 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4
AS36236 NETACTUATE - NetActuate, Inc, US United States 58,112 2,452,619,264 IPv4 IPv4
AS39063 LEITWERT - Leitwert GmbH, DE Germany 512 17,180,393,472 IPv4 IPv4
AS47196 Garant-Park-Internet - Garant-Park-Internet LLC, RU Russian Federation 8,192 34,359,803,904 IPv4 IPv4
AS48223 SENATOR-AS - Senator Telecom Ltd., RU Russian Federation 2,048 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS60299 MMTS-AS - Mezhdugorodnyaya Mezhdunarodnaya Telefonnaya Stanciya Ltd., RU Russian Federation 256 65,536 IPv4 IPv4
AS61287 WLP-AS - onway (Schweiz) AG, CH Switzerland 1,024 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4
AS196695 NETONERUS - NetOne Rus JSC, RU Russian Federation 19,968 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4
AS680 DFN - Verein zur Foerderung eines Deutschen Forschungsnetzes e.V., DE Germany 7,780,608 240,518,234,112 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS5467 MIPT - Non state educational institution "Educational Scientific and Experimental Center of Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology", RU Russian Federation 8,448 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS10122 NETSTAR-AS-AP - NETSTAR (SG) PTE. LTD., SG Singapore 57,088 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4
AS47541 VKONTAKTE-SPB-AS - VKontakte Ltd, RU Russian Federation 59,904 33,822,867,456 IPv4 IPv4
AS56327 UNICONNECT - Uniconnect Srl, IT Italy 2,048 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS12400 PARTNER-AS - Partner Communications Ltd., IL Israel 2,147,328 38,654,705,664 IPv4 IPv4
AS35617 DUEBITE-AS - 2Bite s.r.l., IT Italy 10,752 34,359,738,368 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS43733 Viva-Armenia - Viva Armenia CJSC, AM Armenia 73,728 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4
AS48399 AS-LINXDATACENTER - Svyaz VSD LLC, RU Russian Federation 3,840 34,359,738,368 IPv4 IPv4
AS51341 GCS-AS - Gigakom Sistems OOO, RU Russian Federation 2,560 34,359,738,368 IPv4 IPv4
AS56534 PIRIX-INET-AS - Comfortel Ltd., RU Russian Federation 37,632 34,359,869,440 IPv4 IPv4
AS30722 VODAFONE-IT-ASN - Vodafone Italia S.p.A., IT Italy 5,558,784 12,884,901,888 IPv4 IPv4
AS30786 LOCAL-CH - Swisscom Directories AG, CH Switzerland 1,024 34,359,738,368 IPv4 IPv4
AS32590 VALVE-CORPORATION - Valve Corporation, US United States 12,800 2,031,616 IPv4 IPv4
AS63199 CDSC-AS1 - CDS Global Cloud Co., Ltd, US United States 150,016 1,073,807,360 IPv4 IPv4
AS196750 SETI-WEBA - SETI WEBA LTD, RU Russian Federation 18,432 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS9318 SKB-AS - SK Broadband Co Ltd, KR Republic of Korea 15,276,544 12,884,967,424 IPv4 IPv4
AS24955 UBN-AS - JSC "Ufanet", RU Russian Federation 191,488 19,005,440 IPv4 IPv4
AS39351 ESAB-AS - 31173 Services AB, SE Sweden 9,728 4,295,884,800 IPv4 IPv4
AS47692 NESSUS - Nessus GmbH, AT Austria 35,584 34,359,869,440 IPv4 IPv4
AS50060 ANNET - Annet Ltd., RU Russian Federation 25,600 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS8647 IP-PORT-AS - IP Port LLC, UA Ukraine 1,280 34,359,738,368 IPv4 IPv4
AS9136 WOBCOM - Wobcom GmbH, DE Germany 31,488 38,654,705,664 IPv4 IPv4
AS20804 ASN-TELENERGO - Exatel S.A., PL Poland 242,176 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4
AS199624 DKTEL-MAIN - DK Svyaz OOO, RU Russian Federation 2,816 42,949,672,960 IPv4 IPv4
AS212487 GS-AS - Gorodskie seti OOO, RU Russian Federation 512 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS29226 MASTERTEL-AS - JSC Mastertel, RU Russian Federation 40,960 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4
AS39785 AXIOMA - Axioma, LLC, RU Russian Federation 30,464 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS44670 TVIGO - Tvigle Media LLC, RU Russian Federation 512 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS44923 AIRNET - Saint-Petersburg Computer Networks Ltd., RU Russian Federation 3,072 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4
AS54994 ML-1432-54994 - Meteverse Limited., CA Canada 198,656 8,323,072 IPv4 IPv4
AS55256 NETSKOPE - Netskope Inc, US United States 94,976 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS205717 VASH_DOHOD-AS - LLC NARODNAYA KASSA, RU Russian Federation 1,024 65,536 IPv4 IPv4
AS8262 EVOLINK-AS - Evolink AD, BG Bulgaria 50,176 8,589,934,592 IPv4 IPv4
AS34927 iFog-GmbH - iFog GmbH, CH Switzerland 5,120 244,383,744 IPv4 IPv4
AS30781 JAGUAR-AS - Free Pro SAS, FR France 97,024 133,144,051,712 IPv4 IPv4
AS39251 NETGUARD - NETGUARD LLC, BG Bulgaria 22,784 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4
AS47122 CYBERFIRST-AS - CYBERFIRST LLC, RU Russian Federation 768 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS60051 Earthlink-dmcc - Earthlink Telecommunications Equipment Trading & Services DMCC, AE United Arab Emirates 768 0 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS199077 AS_SIONDEV - SIONDEV AG, CH Switzerland 1,792 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS206383 VOXLAN-AS - VOXLAN LTD., BG Bulgaria 768 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS14593 SPACEX-STARLINK - Space Exploration Technologies Corporation, US United States 301,312 6,263,406,592 IPv4 IPv4
AS39688 OTPBANK-RUS - JSC "OTP BANK", RU Russian Federation 512 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS51477 TKANDALAKSHA-AS - Teleradiokompaniya Kandalaksha LLC, RU Russian Federation 1,280 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS197078 YARNET-AS - Yarnet Ltd, RU Russian Federation 25,600 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4
AS199400 Solytro-LTD - Solytro LTD., CA Canada 256 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS20634 TELECOM-LI - Telecom Liechtenstein AG, LI Liechtenstein 24,064 38,654,705,664 IPv4 IPv4
AS62082 HOSTLAND - Hostland LTD, RU Russian Federation 2,304 65,536 IPv4 IPv4
AS201789 NETOPS - NETOPS B.V., NL Netherlands 1,024 65,536 IPv4 IPv4
AS24951 EVERYWARE-NET - EveryWare AG, CH Switzerland 31,488 38,654,705,664 IPv4 IPv4
AS35000 SEVEREN-TELECOM_TRANSIT - JSC "Severen-Telecom", RU Russian Federation 52,480 17,179,934,720 IPv4 IPv4
AS44391 ESD-AS - JSC Elektrosvyaz, RU Russian Federation 13,312 34,359,738,368 IPv4 IPv4
AS51437 glavnivz - FSUE "GlavNIVZ", RU Russian Federation 2,816 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS56504 HOSTCIRCLE-L-NL - HostCircle B.V., NL Netherlands 1,280 65,536 IPv4 IPv4
AS215782 KEEPIT-CH-ZH - Keepit A/S, DK Denmark 256 65,536 IPv4 IPv4
AS24482 SGGS-AS-AP - SG.GS, SG Singapore 21,504 4,294,967,296 IPv6 IPv6
AS8220 COLT - COLT Technology Services Group Limited, GB United Kingdom 1,362,944 25,770,721,280 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS203410 COLOBIX - COLOBIX LTD, CY Cyprus 1,024 34,359,738,368 IPv4 IPv4
AS12350 VTX-NETWORK - VTX Services SA, CH Switzerland 310,016 8,589,934,592 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS44347 SINT-AS - Limited Company "SiNT", RU Russian Federation 19,456 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS50673 Serverius-as - Serverius Holding B.V., NL Netherlands 61,952 68,719,542,272 IPv4 IPv4
AS209343 RUSSVYAZ-AS - Svyaz JSC, RU Russian Federation 1,280 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS6898 AS-6898 - AS5398 SA, CH Switzerland 1,536 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS9044 SOLNET - BSE Software GmbH, CH Switzerland 100,608 42,949,804,032 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS5405 INTERDOTLINK - GmbH, DE Germany 1,280 34,359,738,368 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS35237 Sberbank - Sberbank of Russia PJSC, RU Russian Federation 3,072 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS43317 VEESP-AS - SIA VEESP, LV Latvia 8,192 8,589,934,592 IPv4 IPv4
AS54825 PACKET - Packet Host, Inc., US United States 84,992 861,995,008 IPv4 IPv4
AS57976 BLIZZARD - Blizzard Entertainment, Inc, US United States 62,208 4,295,360,512 IPv4 IPv4
AS198310 ooo-molniya - OOO Molniya, RU Russian Federation 256 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS216145 SEVENDC - 7DC INTERNET LTD., BG Bulgaria 768 65,536 IPv4 IPv4
AS2686 ATGS-MMD-AS - AT&T Corp., US United States 1,314,304 4,295,032,832 IPv4 IPv4
AS6849 UKRTELNET - JSC "Ukrtelecom", UA Ukraine 1,126,144 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS15720 Poste Italiane S.p.A., IT Italy 5,120 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS44816 DELFINTELECOM-AS - Delfin Telecom OOO, RU Russian Federation 3,072 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS49551 TELESETI-AS - Teleseti Ltd, RU Russian Federation 2,560 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS213369 SFERA-AS - Sfera Telecom LLC, RU Russian Federation 1,024 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS36692 CISCO-UMBRELLA - Cisco OpenDNS, LLC, US United States 139,520 5,439,488 IPv4 IPv4
AS41601 OBLTEL-AS - NEO Print Ltd., RU Russian Federation 9,216 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4
AS51219 K2_INT - K2 Integration JSC, RU Russian Federation 15,616 34,359,738,368 IPv4 IPv4
AS57700 DEEPWEB-AS - DeepCo Ltd, RU Russian Federation 1,024 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS8309 SIPARTECH - SIPARTECH SAS, FR France 40,960 34,359,934,976 IPv4 IPv4
AS8453 ECONIS-AS - Econis AG, CH Switzerland 1,536 34,359,738,368 IPv4 IPv4
AS9009 M247 - M247 Europe SRL, RO Romania 1,302,016 266,368,712,960 IPv4 IPv4
AS31277 NEWLINE-AS - OOO New Line Telecom, RU Russian Federation 2,304 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS41802 KVIDEX-AS - Limited Liability Company Kvidex-Telecom, RU Russian Federation 16,384 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS47133 PROSERVIS-AS - ProServis Ltd., RU Russian Federation 1,024 65,536 IPv4 IPv4
AS51582 DCC-BG - Cifrova Kabelna Korporacia EOOD, BG Bulgaria 31,232 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS56630 MELBICOM-EU-AS - Melbikomas UAB, LT Lithuania 47,104 7,247,757,312 IPv4 IPv4
AS61152 FREEDH-AS - Freedom House Ltd., RU Russian Federation 2,048 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS211588 XYPHEN - Yvan Watchman trading as Xyphen IT, NL Netherlands 1,024 67,239,936 IPv4 IPv4
AS41313 NOVATEL-AS - "NOVATEL" EOOD, BG Bulgaria 23,040 38,654,705,664 IPv4 IPv4
AS43404 UCARU-AS - Fastnet LLC, RU Russian Federation 10,240 34,359,738,368 IPv4 IPv4
AS197080 RAGRAD-AS - INMEDIS LLc, RU Russian Federation 256 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS203387 ASTLX - Telix LLC, RU Russian Federation 1,024 34,359,738,368 IPv4 IPv4
AS24724 ATMAN-Foreign-AS - Atman Sp. z o.o., PL Poland 1,024 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS32934 FACEBOOK - Facebook, Inc., US United States 441,088 4,311,744,512 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS41378 KirinoNET - Kirino LLC, US United States 20,224 39,518,208 IPv4 IPv4
AS49218 NTKS-AS - Nizhnetagilskie Kompyuternye Seti LLC, RU Russian Federation 16,384 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS49418 AS-NETSHIELD - NETSHIELD LTD, GB United Kingdom 1,536 34,360,000,512 IPv4 IPv4
AS57363 CDNvideo-AS - CDNvideo LLC, RU Russian Federation 12,800 524,288 IPv4 IPv4
AS8551 BEZEQ-INTERNATIONAL-AS - Bezeq International Ltd., IL Israel 1,498,880 171,798,757,376 IPv4 IPv4
AS11019 HAPROXY-TECHNOLOGIES - HAProxy Technologies, Inc., US United States 6,912 1,310,720 IPv4 IPv4
AS15576 NTS - NTS workspace AG, CH Switzerland 44,288 86,201,794,560 IPv4 IPv4
AS35807 AS-SKYNET-SPB - SkyNet Ltd., RU Russian Federation 305,152 34,359,738,368 IPv4 IPv4
AS206264 AMARUTU-TECHNOLOGY - Amarutu Technology Ltd, SC Seychelles 15,872 38,654,836,736 IPv4 IPv4
AS8932 UCOMINT - Ucom CJSC, AM Armenia 3,072 131,072 IPv4 IPv4
AS15958 CETIN_doo_AS - CETIN Ltd. Belgrade, RS Serbia 73,728 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4
AS31027 GlobalConnect-AS31027 - GlobalConnect A/S, DK Denmark 282,880 81,621,286,912 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS59627 DOCKER-RU-AS - Docker LTD, RU Russian Federation 1,792 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS61400 NETRACK-AS - Start LLC, RU Russian Federation 20,224 77,309,542,400 IPv4 IPv4
AS203714 LLCFlex-AS - LLC Flex, RU Russian Federation 2,816 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS15133 EDGECAST - Edgecast Inc., US United States 103,680 22,020,096 IPv4 IPv4
AS31376 SMART-AS - Smart Telecom Limited, RU Russian Federation 36,224 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4
AS35810 BIGTELECOM-AS - BIG TELECOM JSC, RU Russian Federation 10,240 1,073,807,360 IPv4 IPv4
AS50716 TELECOMRUNET - Ltd, RU Russian Federation 10,240 65,536 IPv4 IPv4
AS60064 HOSTPALACE - HOSTPALACE DATACENTERS LTD, GB United Kingdom 6,144 4,311,744,512 IPv4 IPv4
AS197888 TaffiTV-AS - SPB TV Telecom LLC, RU Russian Federation 768 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS22822 LLNW - Limelight Networks, Inc., US United States 141,056 17,179,934,720 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS39598 TIERA-AS - Global Network Management Inc, AG Antigua and Barbuda 19,200 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4
AS206926 LETIT-AS - Letit LLC, RU Russian Federation 1,280 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS208354 ALFACOM - Alfa.Bit.Omega S.R.L., IT Italy 1,024 34,359,738,368 IPv4 IPv4
AS212566 VVLON-AS - Vavilon Ltd., RU Russian Federation 256 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS213260 CWNET-AS - cwnet s.r.l., IT Italy 20,480 34,359,738,368 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS396998 PATH-NETWORK - Path Network, Inc., US United States 8,704 68,719,476,736 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS6939 HURRICANE - Hurricane Electric LLC, US United States 524,544 282,631,699,169,280 IPv6 IPv6
AS13335 CLOUDFLARENET - Cloudflare, Inc., US United States 1,722,624 43,952,308,224 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS15796 SALT-CH - Salt Mobile SA, CH Switzerland 98,304 34,359,738,368 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS19551 INCAPSULA - Incapsula Inc, US United States 210,432 40,763,392 IPv4 IPv4
AS21859 ZEN-ECN - Zenlayer Inc, US United States 659,968 17,655,660,544 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS34170 AS-AZTELEKOM - Aztelekom LLC, AZ Azerbaijan 8,448 34,359,738,368 IPv4 IPv4
AS42574 NSPLUS-AS - Novaya Sibir Plus Ltd., RU Russian Federation 9,728 65,536 IPv4 IPv4
AS43298 StormNetworks - Storm Networks LLC, RU Russian Federation 768 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS49403 AVK-WELLCOM-AS - AVK-Wellcom Ltd., RU Russian Federation 6,144 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS59905 NTH - NTH AG, CH Switzerland 2,560 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS199554 BACHOFEN - U. Bachofen trading as "", CH Switzerland 3,072 34,359,738,368 IPv4 IPv4
AS200350 YandexCloud - Yandex.Cloud LLC, RU Russian Federation 191,488 8,589,934,592 IPv4 IPv4
AS61423 JMP-AS - JMP Technology Services GmbH, CH Switzerland 2,048 1,507,328 IPv4 IPv4
AS41549 EWB-Cable-Network-AS - Elektrizitaets- und Wasserwerk der Stadt Buchs SG, CH Switzerland 32,512 4,295,032,832 IPv4 IPv4
AS47176 GASCOMCH - GAS&COM AG, CH Switzerland 7,424 38,654,705,664 IPv4 IPv4
AS50917 DIEDERIK-AS - Diederik Focko de Zee, NL Netherlands 768 196,608 IPv4 IPv4
AS58158 KTV-AS - KTV Ltd., RU Russian Federation 8,192 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS59900 Balkan-Internet-Exchange - Balkan Internet Exchange Ltd, BG Bulgaria 0 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS212421 CORE-AS - IT-Yaroslavl Ltd., RU Russian Federation 0 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS31500 GLOBALNET-AS - Global Network Management Inc, AG Antigua and Barbuda 10,752 4,295,229,440 IPv4 IPv4
AS37100 SEACOM-AS - SEACOM Limited, MU Mauritius 1,072,896 12,884,901,888 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS42632 MNOGOBYTE-AS - MnogoByte LLC, RU Russian Federation 25,088 327,680 IPv4 IPv4
AS48084 UMLC - Uzhnie Magistraljnie Linii Svyazi LLC, RU Russian Federation 256 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS57393 VIVA-AS - Viva LLC, RU Russian Federation 1,024 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS198930 DE-VSM-ASN - Vereinigte Stadtwerke Media GmbH, DE Germany 34,816 68,719,476,736 IPv4 IPv4
AS31444 SEANET-AS - SeaExpress Ltd., RU Russian Federation 8,704 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS49038 EUROLINE-TELECOM-AS - FOP Pedchenko Maxim Yrievich, UA Ukraine 768 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS8449 AS8449-ELCAT - "ElCat" Ltd., KG Kyrgyzstan 17,152 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4
AS42913 REDLIMTECH-AS - Redlimtech Limited, CY Cyprus 256 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS51520 RH - "RealHost" Ltd., RU Russian Federation 768 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS60486 SNS - Swiss Networking Solutions AG, CH Switzerland 2,048 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4
AS61403 Sever-Telecom-Cher - Sever Telecom JSC, RU Russian Federation 4,096 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS206492 NEXPHONE - Nexphone AG, CH Switzerland 3,584 34,359,738,368 IPv4 IPv4
AS14840 BR.Digital Provider, BR Brazil 66,560 14,009,892,864 IPv6 IPv6
AS48061 UMA-TECH-AS - Limited Liability Company GPM Digital Technologies, RU Russian Federation 3,328 65,536 IPv4 IPv4
AS51178 AVANTEL-SPB-AS - JSC Avantel, RU Russian Federation 7,168 38,654,705,664 IPv4 IPv4
AS13238 YANDEX - YANDEX LLC, RU Russian Federation 193,024 34,360,786,944 IPv4 IPv4
AS15169 GOOGLE - Google LLC, US United States 9,244,160 98,801,090,560 IPv4 IPv4
AS56679 TECOM-AS - Voin Telecom LLC, RU Russian Federation 2,560 131,072 IPv4 IPv4
AS57246 WellTelecom - WellTelecom LLC, RU Russian Federation 1,536 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS60171 AFRIX-AS - AFR-IX TELECOM SAU, ES Spain 13,056 38,654,705,664 IPv4 IPv4
AS203182 digiturk-bg - DIGITURK LTD., BG Bulgaria 512 34,359,738,368 IPv4 IPv4
AS6789 CRELCOM-NET - CRELCOM LLC, RU Russian Federation 48,384 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4
AS12333 DFINET - Cheops Technology Switzerland SA, CH Switzerland 13,824 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4
AS39399 FENIXVT-AS - Private Enterprise Firma Fenix VT, UA Ukraine 7,936 65,536 IPv4 IPv4
AS47321 IIF-AS - Autonomous Non-Profit Organization "Institute of Engineering Physics", RU Russian Federation 2,048 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS61071 NETBOX-AS - NETBOX LTD, BG Bulgaria 6,912 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS3356 LEVEL3 - Level 3 Parent, LLC, US United States 29,843,712 77,330,644,992 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS9002 RETN-AS - RETN Limited, GB United Kingdom 27,392 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS13250 BACKBONE-CH - Backbone Solutions AG, CH Switzerland 8,192 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4
AS15398 CYBERCORE-AS - Werft22 AG, CH Switzerland 256 65,536 IPv4 IPv4
AS34743 NASHNET-AS - NASHNET LTD, UA Ukraine 14,336 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS35104 KTC-AS - Jusan Mobile JSC, KZ Kazakhstan 41,984 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4
AS39102 AS-ATHM - Global Network Management Inc, AG Antigua and Barbuda 37,376 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS41327 FIBERTELECOM-AS - Fiber Telecom S.p.A., IT Italy 8,448 68,719,476,736 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS42765 LINER - EXCELLENT SIGNALMAN LLC, RU Russian Federation 5,120 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS48257 SATNETSPB - Computer information technology Ltd., RU Russian Federation 6,144 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS50877 AIRBEAM-AS - Airbeam S.r.l., IT Italy 6,144 34,359,738,368 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS50923 METRO-SET-AS - Metroset Ltd., RU Russian Federation 36,352 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4
AS59890 Kabel-TV-Lampert - Kabel-TV Lampert GmbH & Co KG, AT Austria 13,312 34,359,738,368 IPv4 IPv4
AS213035 AS-SERVERION - Des Capital B.V., NL Netherlands 8,704 34,359,869,440 IPv4 IPv4
AS47626 ASTIMER - Timer, LLC, RU Russian Federation 24,320 34,359,738,368 IPv4 IPv4
AS58280 STUCCHIMAX-AS - Massimiliano Andrea Stucchi, CH Switzerland 1,024 68,719,476,736 IPv4 IPv4
AS200726 ELMEC-CH-AS - Elmec Suisse SA, CH Switzerland 256 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS202032 GOLINE - GOLINE SA, CH Switzerland 1,024 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4
AS205569 REGSV-AS - REGIONSVYAZ OOO, RU Russian Federation 1,280 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS35420 VYBORG-AS - Perspektiva Ltd., RU Russian Federation 1,024 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS48558 M-Line-AS - M-Line Ltd., RU Russian Federation 768 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS52000 MIRhosting - MIRhosting B.V., NL Netherlands 7,424 137,439,477,760 IPv4 IPv4
AS58349 INNETRA-AS - Elna Paulette Lafortune trading as INNETRA PC, GB United Kingdom 2,304 65,536 IPv4 IPv4
AS203639 TEKNOLOGY - TEKNOLOGY SA, CH Switzerland 1,536 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS208920 RocketWay-AS - Rocket Way S.R.L., IT Italy 3,072 34,359,738,368 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS211826 ISTQSERVERS-AS - Istqrar for Servers Services Ltd, JO Jordan 9,472 262,144 IPv4 IPv4
AS21069 ASN-METANET - METANET AG, CH Switzerland 13,824 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS34309 LINK11 - Link11 GmbH, DE Germany 19,200 4,295,098,368 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS35467 DDF-AS - DDFR IT Infra & Security B.V., NL Netherlands 45,056 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4
AS44592 SkyLink - SkyLink Data Center BV, NL Netherlands 14,592 115,964,379,136 IPv4 IPv4
AS60068 CDN77 - Datacamp Limited, GB United Kingdom 100,096 1,040,449,536 IPv4 IPv4
AS197275 ASLINKTELECOMNN - Link Telecom NN Ltd., RU Russian Federation 3,072 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS6774 ASN-BICS - Belgacom International Carrier Services SA, BE Belgium 20,256 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4
AS199860 Xelent-AS - ATOMDATA JSC, RU Russian Federation 8,448 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4
AS215106 SISZ - OOO Svyaz'-Invest Severo-Zapad, RU Russian Federation 512 65,536 IPv4 IPv4
AS21030 CDNNOW-AS - Docker LTD, RU Russian Federation 2,816 196,608 IPv4 IPv4
AS44056 TRYTECH-AS - Trytek LLC, RU Russian Federation 24,832 4,295,032,832 IPv4 IPv4
AS49136 TELECOM-NETWORKS-AS - Telecommunication networks Ltd, RU Russian Federation 16,384 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS50340 SELECTEL-MSK - JSC Selectel, RU Russian Federation 139,008 81,604,640,768 IPv4 IPv4
AS51669 HCN-NET - Home Computer Networks ltd., RU Russian Federation 17,408 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS199732 TERICOM-AS - TERICOM LLC, RU Russian Federation 512 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS1764 NEXTLAYER-AS - Next Layer Telekommunikationsdienstleistungs- und Beratungs GmbH, AT Austria 86,784 274,878,234,624 IPv4 IPv4
AS6461 ZAYO-6461 - Zayo Bandwidth, US United States 1,675,264 18,255,118,336 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS29655 TRENKA - Trenka Informatik AG, CH Switzerland 4,352 38,654,705,664 IPv4 IPv4
AS34465 NCRYPTD - NCRYPTD NET LTD, GB United Kingdom 2,304 2,949,120 IPv4 IPv4
AS50222 MARIINSKY-AS - Federal Government Cultural Organization "State Academic Mariinsky Theatre", RU Russian Federation 256 65,536 IPv4 IPv4
AS198610 BEGET-AS - Beget LLC, RU Russian Federation 54,272 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS199524 GCORE - G-Core Labs S.A., LU Luxembourg 94,208 111,280,128 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS199995 OT-AS - Omega Telecom LLC, UA Ukraine 5,376 34,359,738,368 IPv4 IPv4
AS20940 AKAMAI-ASN1 - Akamai International B.V., NL Netherlands 13,908,992 1,138,167,317,760 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS12555 IMAQLIQ - Data-center IMAQLIQ Ltd., RU Russian Federation 7,680 38,654,705,664 IPv4 IPv4
AS41435 UNDERNET-AS1 - UnderNet LLC, UA Ukraine 22,016 34,359,738,368 IPv4 IPv4
AS42065 ETELECOM-AS - AO ElectronTelecom, RU Russian Federation 12,288 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS47481 AS-LHD - Lime HD LLC, RU Russian Federation 1,536 589,824 IPv4 IPv4
AS215167 KRYMTELECOM_LTD - KRYMTELECOM LTD, RU Russian Federation 256 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS34102 AWANTI-AS - Imperator LLC, RU Russian Federation 4,096 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS49127 ASIMO-AS - Asimo Networks B.V., NL Netherlands 7,936 73,014,444,032 IPv4 IPv4
AS200302 fnc-as - FNK LLC, RU Russian Federation 12,288 131,072 IPv4 IPv4
AS201133 Verdina - Verdina Ltd., BZ Belize 3,328 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS208972 gibirnet-tr - GIBIRNET ILETISIM HIZMETLERI SANAYI VE TICARET LIMITED SIRKETI, TR Turkey 19,968 34,359,738,368 IPv4 IPv4
AS264409 GRUPO YAX, BR Brazil 2,048 393,216 IPv4 IPv4
AS210129 atomonet-as - ATOMO NETWORKS SRL, IT Italy 10,240 34,359,738,368 IPv6 IPv6
AS3920 ESTOXY-OU - ESTOXY OU, EE Estonia 3,072 196,608 IPv4 IPv4
AS33891 CORE-BACKBONE - Core-Backbone GmbH, DE Germany 0 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS204916 racktech - RACKTECH CO., LTD., TH Thailand 3,328 1,139,777,011,712 IPv4 IPv4
AS207911 LINKTEL-NW - LINKTEL-NW LTD, RU Russian Federation 256 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS215551 Sweden_Internet_Exchange - KeFF Networks Ltd, GB United Kingdom 256 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS34549 MEER-AS - meerfarbig GmbH & Co. KG, DE Germany 60,928 347,892,416,512 IPv6 IPv6
AS25091 IP-MAX - IP-Max SA, CH Switzerland 14,848 68,719,607,808 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS25474 OKB-TELECOM-AS - OKB-TELECOM JSC, RU Russian Federation 3,072 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS38193 TWA-AS-AP - TRANSWORLD ASSOCIATES (PVT) LIMITED, PK Pakistan 25,344 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4
AS39101 PITEL - Piter-telecom Ltd., RU Russian Federation 5,120 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4
AS47914 CreativeDirectMarketingSolutions - OOO Creative Direct Marketing Solutions, RU Russian Federation 34,816 65,536 IPv4 IPv4
AS57724 DDOS-GUARD - DDOS-GUARD LTD, RU Russian Federation 6,912 65,536 IPv4 IPv4
AS208091 XHOST-INTERNET-SOLUTIONS - XHOST INTERNET SOLUTIONS LP, GB United Kingdom 3,328 34,359,738,368 IPv4 IPv4
AS6762 SEABONE-NET - TELECOM ITALIA SPARKLE S.p.A., IT Italy 132,608 8,589,934,592 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS15600 QUICKLINE - Quickline AG, CH Switzerland 319,488 755,914,244,096 IPv4 IPv4
AS39572 ADVANCEDHOSTERS-AS - DataWeb Global Group B.V., NL Netherlands 60,416 25,769,803,776 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS57913 toscanatlc - ToscanaTLC s.r.l., IT Italy 512 34,359,738,368 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS213039 mikramix-bg - MIKRAMIX LTD., BG Bulgaria 512 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS3326 Datagroup - PRIVATE JOINT STOCK COMPANY "DATAGROUP", UA Ukraine 113,152 4,296,081,408 IPv4 IPv4
AS44943 RAMNET-AS - Ramtel Ltd., RU Russian Federation 2,560 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4
AS47147 AS-ANX - ANEXIA Internetdienstleistungs GmbH, AT Austria 1,536 196,608 IPv4 IPv4
AS197563 GLOBALNETUA-AS - "GLOBALNET UA" LLC, UA Ukraine 256 196,608 IPv4 IPv4
AS174 COGENT-174 - Cogent Communications, US United States 35,883,520 293,442,027,520 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS13170 KPO-AS - Kaisanet Oy, FI Finland 62,464 68,719,476,736 IPv4 IPv4
AS32787 PROLEXIC-TECHNOLOGIES-DDOS-MITIGATION-NETWORK - Akamai Technologies, Inc., US United States 92,928 5,832,704 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS62044 ZSCALER-EMEA - Zscaler Switzerland GmbH, CH Switzerland 75,520 469,762,048 IPv4 IPv4
AS198964 AS_BLUEQUANT - BLUEQUANT AG, CH Switzerland 256 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS200000 Ukraine-AS - Hosting Ukraine LTD, UA Ukraine 45,312 446,676,664,320 IPv4 IPv4
AS205638 TM-AS-MSK - "TBANK" JSC, RU Russian Federation 3,328 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS212865 NETCONNECT - netconnect AG, CH Switzerland 13,824 68,719,542,272 IPv4 IPv4
AS13004 SOX - Serbian Open Exchange DOO, RS Serbia 1,024 65,536 IPv4 IPv4
AS41913 COMPUTERLINE - Computerline GmbH, CH Switzerland 9,984 4,295,229,440 IPv4 IPv4
AS44484 XTRIM-AS - X-Trim Ltd., RU Russian Federation 9,216 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS201119 ICEWOOD - Icewood LLC, RU Russian Federation 2,048 65,536 IPv4 IPv4
AS16509 AMAZON-02 -, Inc., US United States 49,571,328 1,152,921,504,606,846,976 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS43598 EXPORT-AS - Export Telecom LLC, RU Russian Federation 1,024 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS47764 VK-AS - LLC VK, RU Russian Federation 116,992 47,244,640,256 IPv4 IPv4
AS58057 SECUREBIT - Securebit AG, CH Switzerland 12,288 68,794,515,456 IPv4 IPv4
AS1836 GREEN - AG, CH Switzerland 490,752 73,014,640,640 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS2906 AS-SSI - Netflix Streaming Services Inc., US United States 161,792 12,886,016,000 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS13150 CATON - CATO NETWORKS LTD, IL Israel 40,960 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS15623 CYBERLINK - Cyberlink AG, CH Switzerland 105,472 111,669,215,232 IPv4 IPv4
AS24589 TELENETSIA-AS - Telenet SIA, LV Latvia 76,288 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4
AS35048 BITERIKA-AS - Biterika Group LLC, RU Russian Federation 35,584 154,618,822,656 IPv4 IPv4
AS58310 IZHTELEPORT-AS - "TELEPORT" LLC, RU Russian Federation 3,072 131,072 IPv4 IPv4
AS200052 FERAL - Ltd, GB United Kingdom 1,024 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS200149 AS-NIX - Erwin Alexander Ising, NL Netherlands 0 65,536 IPv4 IPv4
AS13094 SFO-IX-AS - JSC "ER-Telecom Holding", RU Russian Federation 512 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS16342 TOYA - Toya sp.z.o.o, PL Poland 152,576 34,359,738,368 IPv4 IPv4
AS31293 ITNSGLOBAL-AS - ITNS GLOBAL EOOD, BG Bulgaria 1,792 34,359,738,368 IPv4 IPv4
AS34602 STARLINK-AS - MEGASVYAZ LLC, RU Russian Federation 95,232 8,589,934,592 IPv4 IPv4
AS48648 KYIVLINK - K-Link LLC, UA Ukraine 2,304 131,072 IPv4 IPv4
AS2854 ROSPRINT-AS - LLC Orange Business Services, RU Russian Federation 263,936 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4
AS29222 Infomaniak-AS - Infomaniak Network SA, CH Switzerland 57,600 8,589,934,592 IPv4 IPv4
AS42498 GERKON-AS - Gerkon LTD, RU Russian Federation 9,984 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS42861 FOTONTELECOM-TRANSIT-AS - Foton Telecom CJSC, RU Russian Federation 1,024 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4
AS47586 Business-Svyaz - Dmitriy V. Kozmenko, RU Russian Federation 15,104 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4
AS59504 vpsville-AS - LLC Vpsville, RU Russian Federation 12,800 31,407,079,424 IPv4 IPv4
AS201593 TechnologiiSvyazi-AS - Technologii svyazi Ltd., RU Russian Federation 768 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS29050 TERRECABLATE - Terrecablate Reti e Servizi S.R.L., IT Italy 19,712 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS51069 ASDNEPRONET - Volodymyr Shtark, UA Ukraine 13,312 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS63023 AS-GLOBALTELEHOST - GTHost, US United States 50,688 114,957,484,032 IPv4 IPv4
AS209564 BG-NICKNAMENET - Nickname Net Ltd, BG Bulgaria 2,048 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS216071 VDSINA - SERVERS TECH FZCO, AE United Arab Emirates 71,936 327,680 IPv4 IPv4
AS17557 PKTELECOM-AS-PK - Pakistan Telecommuication company limited, PK Pakistan 3,856,984 4,295,032,832 IPv4 IPv4
AS47457 SBERBANK-BALAKOVO-AS - Sberbank of Russia PJSC, RU Russian Federation 256 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS61102 INTERHOST - Interhost Communication Solutions Ltd., IL Israel 6,656 4,295,098,368 IPv4 IPv4
AS200899 INTERSPACE-EUROPE - INTERSPACE DOOEL Skopje, MK Macedonia 7,168 274,877,906,944 IPv4 IPv4
AS6805 TDDE-ASN1 - Telefonica Germany GmbH & Co.OHG, DE Germany 8,350,976 2,473,901,162,496 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS12735 ASTurkNet - TurkNet Iletisim Hizmetleri A.S., TR Turkey 134,656 34,767,044,608 IPv4 IPv4
AS20546 SOPRADO-ANY - SOPRADO GmbH, DE Germany 16,384 73,016,541,184 IPv4 IPv4
AS35598 INETCOM - INETCOM CARRIER LLC, RU Russian Federation 37,376 34,359,738,368 IPv4 IPv4
AS51028 SVOLS-AS - Zummer LLC, RU Russian Federation 3,072 4,295,032,832 IPv4 IPv4
AS60580 PII - Artificial lntelligence Software LLC, RU Russian Federation 1,024 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS198916 ASN-INWEBADRIATICO - Inweb Adriatico S.r.l., IT Italy 3,072 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS206774 inetbolaget - Internetnord AB, SE Sweden 2,816 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4
AS207056 BONCH-IT - Maloe Innovacionnoe Predpriyatie Bonch IT LLC, RU Russian Federation 1,024 34,359,738,368 IPv4 IPv4
AS5385 RUSSMEDIA-IT - Russmedia IT GmbH, AT Austria 67,584 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4
AS15695 Expereo - Expereo International BV, NL Netherlands 43,520 2,686,713,856 IPv4 IPv4
AS42518 UNETCOM-AS - Unet Communication LLC, RU Russian Federation 8,192 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS57344 TELEHOUSE-AS - Telehouse EAD, BG Bulgaria 24,320 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4
AS138915 KAOPU-HK - Kaopu Cloud HK Limited, HK Hong Kong 178,944 3,801,088 IPv4 IPv4
AS208444 BIG3AS - Bringe Informationstechnik GmbH, DE Germany 512 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4
AS12418 QUANTUM - Quantum CJSC, RU Russian Federation 68,864 131,072 IPv4 IPv4
AS44030 OTRADNOE-AS - OtradnoeNet Ltd., RU Russian Federation 8,704 65,536 IPv4 IPv4
AS48670 UNIS - UNIS Ltd., RU Russian Federation 4,096 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4
AS212477 ROYALE-AS - RoyaleHosting BV, NL Netherlands 30,720 38,656,278,528 IPv4 IPv4
AS34879 CCT-AS - OOO "Sovremennye setevye tekhnologii", RU Russian Federation 18,944 65,536 IPv4 IPv4
AS39493 RU-KSTV - CJSC Kolomna-Sviaz TV, RU Russian Federation 33,792 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS48989 SIDIEN - Docker LTD, RU Russian Federation 256 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS50272 AVUR - AVUR AS, NO Norway 11,520 38,654,705,664 IPv4 IPv4
AS25369 BANDWIDTH-AS - Hydra Communications Ltd, GB United Kingdom 127,232 47,244,836,864 IPv4 IPv4
AS47438 PSKOVLINE-AS - Pskovline Ltd., RU Russian Federation 33,024 65,536 IPv4 IPv4
AS48282 VDSINA-AS - Hosting technology LTD, RU Russian Federation 25,088 131,072 IPv4 IPv4
AS52183 BITHAWK - BitHawk AG, CH Switzerland 1,024 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS58115 SWISSIX-OUTREACH - SwissIX Internet Exchange, CH Switzerland 0 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS8708 RCS-RDS - DIGI ROMANIA S.A., RO Romania 1,917,440 73,014,444,032 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS25435 META10-AS - META10 AG, CH Switzerland 18,176 65,536 IPv4 IPv4
AS35526 MASTERBIT-AS - Smart Technology LLC, RU Russian Federation 3,072 34,359,738,368 IPv4 IPv4
AS50636 RTP-Media - RTP LLC, RU Russian Federation 512 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS57043 HOSTKEY-AS - HOSTKEY B.V., NL Netherlands 49,920 47,244,640,256 IPv4 IPv4
AS62167 Tismi - Tismi BV, NL Netherlands 3,328 8,590,000,128 IPv4 IPv4
AS8492 OBIT-AS - "OBIT" Ltd., RU Russian Federation 87,808 38,654,705,664 IPv4 IPv4
AS50776 SYSTEMTELECOM - Joint Stock Company System Telecom, RU Russian Federation 1,024 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS29419 AlmavivA - Almaviva S.p.A., IT Italy 2,048 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS34772 NEOTEL-AS-MK - NEOTEL DOO export-import Skopje, MK Macedonia 63,488 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4
AS47236 CITYLINK-AS - CityLink Ltd, RU Russian Federation 19,456 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS48416 INFOLAN-AS - Information Network, LLC, RU Russian Federation 8,192 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS48885 NEOCARRIER - Neocarrier Communications Sarl, CH Switzerland 11,264 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4
AS62205 UNITEL - Unitel, LLC, RU Russian Federation 7,680 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4
AS200487 OOOVPS-AS - OOO VPS, RU Russian Federation 3,072 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4
AS200612 GulfBridgeInternational - Gulf Bridge International Inc., VG British Virgin Islands 3,072 34,359,738,368 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS213205 cooolbe-ca - COOOLBE LTD, MH Marshall Islands 1,536 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS20562 OPEN-PEERING-AS - Broadband Hosting B.V., NL Netherlands 0 0 IPv6 IPv6

Peers at this Exchange Point

Country/Region IX IPv4 IPv6 Port Speed Updated
Italy Equinix Milan - Equinix Internet Exchange Milan 2001:7f8:c0::5398:1 1 Gbps 2024-06-18 08:41:19
Italy Namex Rome - Nautilus Mediterranean Exchange Point 2001:7f8:10::5398 10 Gbps 2024-05-16 05:17:00
Italy MINAP Milan - Milan Neutral Access Point 2001:7f8:c5::a500:5398:1 10 Gbps 2024-05-16 05:17:00
Italy VSIX - Veneto System Internet Exchange 2001:7f8:5f:ffff::38 10 Gbps 2024-08-22 04:57:45
Netherlands NL-ix - Neutral Internet Exchange 2001:7f8:13::a500:5398:1 10 Gbps 2024-08-28 04:34:19
Germany DE-CIX Frankfurt 2001:7f8::1516:0:1 10 Gbps 2024-05-16 05:17:01
Italy PCIX - Piacenza Internet Exchange 2001:7f8:b9::33:1 10 Gbps 2024-08-14 15:05:14
Italy MIX-IT - Milan Internet eXchange 2001:7f8:b:100:1d1:a5d0:5398:194 100 Gbps 2024-07-18 12:42:49
Netherlands ERA-IX - ERA-IX 2001:7f8:12a::13 100 Gbps 2024-08-28 04:34:19
Switzerland SwissIX - SwissIX Internet Exchange 2001:7f8:24::32 10 Gbps 2024-05-16 05:17:00
Germany Equinix Frankfurt - Equinix Internet Exchange Frankfurt 2001:7f8:bd::5398:1 10 Gbps 2024-08-27 10:30:47
Netherlands DATAIX - GlobalNet 2a03:5f80:4:2::236:157 100 Gbps 2024-08-19 10:47:03
Netherlands Global-IX - GlobalNet 2001:b28:3ff::136:23 100 Gbps 2024-08-19 11:04:45

Private Peering Facilities

Country/Region Name City Website Updated
NIKHEF Amsterdam Amsterdam 2024-07-18 07:00:52
Equinix FR5 - Frankfurt, KleyerStrasse Frankfurt 2024-06-18 08:41:47
Digital Realty Zurich ZUR1 Glattbrugg 2022-10-28 07:39:04
Namex Datacenter Rome Roma 2022-10-25 13:57:10
MIX Milano 2022-10-25 10:28:57
Naquadria Datacenter Piacenza Piacenza 2024-08-14 15:35:24
Equinix ML5 - Milan 5 Settimo Milanese 2024-06-18 08:38:40
InternetONE Varese DC Varese 2022-10-27 20:25:53 OPENLAB DC Lugano 2022-10-27 18:39:57
IP Address Domain NUMs Domains 2 2 1 1 1 1 10 2 3 3
as-block:       AS5377 - AS5535
descr:          RIPE NCC ASN block
remarks:        These AS Numbers are assigned to network operators in the RIPE NCC service region.
mnt-by:         RIPE-NCC-HM-MNT
created:        2018-11-22T15:27:22Z
last-modified:  2018-11-22T15:27:22Z
source:         RIPE

aut-num:        AS5398
as-name:        AS5398
org:            ORG-AS976-RIPE
admin-c:        AAD128-RIPE
tech-c:         AN32937-RIPE
remarks:        ---------------------------------------------
remarks:        Transit providers
remarks:        ---------------------------------------------
import:         from AS174 accept ANY
export:         to AS174 announce AS-5398
mp-import:      afi ipv6.unicast from AS174 accept ANY
mp-export:      afi ipv6.unicast to AS174 announce AS-5398
import:         from AS3356 accept ANY
export:         to AS3356 announce AS-5398
mp-import:      afi ipv6.unicast from AS3356 accept ANY
mp-export:      afi ipv6.unicast to AS3356 announce AS-5398
import:         from AS6762 accept ANY
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mp-import:      afi ipv6.unicast from AS6762 accept ANY
mp-export:      afi ipv6.unicast to AS6762 announce AS-5398
import:         from AS9002 accept ANY
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mp-import:      afi ipv6.unicast from AS9002 accept ANY
mp-export:      afi ipv6.unicast to AS9002 announce AS-5398
remarks:        --------------------------------------------
remarks:        Import generic
remarks:        ---------------------------------------------
import:         from AS-ANY accept ANY
mp-import:      afi ipv6.unicast from AS-ANY accept ANY
remarks:        ---------------------------------------------
remarks:        Export to Customers
remarks:        ---------------------------------------------
export:         to AS-5398 announce ANY
mp-export:      afi ipv6.unicast to AS-5398 announce ANY
remarks:        ---------------------------------------------
remarks:        Export to Peerings and PNI
remarks:        ---------------------------------------------
export:         to AS-ANY announce AS-5398
mp-export:      afi ipv6.unicast to AS-ANY announce AS-5398
remarks:        ---------------------------------------------
remarks:        AMS-IX RS Detail
remarks:        ---------------------------------------------
import-via:     AS6777 from AS-ANY EXCEPT AS5398:AS-AMS-IX-FILTER accept ANY
export-via:     AS6777 to AS-ANY EXCEPT AS5398:AS-AMS-IX-FILTER announce AS-5398
import-via:     afi ipv6.unicast AS6777 from AS-ANY EXCEPT AS5398:AS-AMS-IX-FILTER accept ANY
export-via:     afi ipv6.unicast AS6777 to AS-ANY EXCEPT AS5398:AS-AMS-IX-FILTER announce AS-5398
remarks:        ---------------------------------------------
remarks:        Route flap damping policy is applied
remarks:        ---------------------------------------------
remarks:        AS5398 is matching RPKI validation state and reject
remarks:        invalid prefixes from peers and customers
remarks:        ---------------------------------------------
remarks:        Peering police is selective, other technical details on
remarks:        ---------------------------------------------
status:         ASSIGNED
mnt-by:         RIPE-NCC-END-MNT
mnt-by:         lir-ch-as5398-1-MNT
created:        1970-01-01T00:00:00Z
last-modified:  2024-08-10T06:52:49Z
source:         RIPE

organisation:   ORG-AS976-RIPE
org-name:       AS5398 SA
country:        CH
org-type:       LIR
address:        Via G.B. Pioda 12
address:        6900
address:        Lugano
address:        SWITZERLAND
phone:          +41580582319
admin-c:        AAD128-RIPE
tech-c:         AN32937-RIPE
abuse-c:        AR68488-RIPE
mnt-ref:        lir-ch-as5398-1-MNT
mnt-by:         RIPE-NCC-HM-MNT
mnt-by:         lir-ch-as5398-1-MNT
created:        2022-06-09T12:31:36Z
last-modified:  2022-06-09T12:31:36Z
source:         RIPE

role:           AS5398 Admin Dept
address:        SWITZERLAND
address:        Lugano
address:        6900
address:        Via G.B. Pioda 12
phone:          +41580582319
nic-hdl:        AAD128-RIPE
mnt-by:         lir-ch-as5398-1-MNT
created:        2022-06-09T12:31:35Z
last-modified:  2022-06-09T12:31:36Z
source:         RIPE

role:           AS5398 NOC
address:        SWITZERLAND
address:        Lugano
address:        6900
address:        Via G.B. Pioda 12
phone:          +41580582319
nic-hdl:        AN32937-RIPE
mnt-by:         lir-ch-as5398-1-MNT
created:        2022-06-09T12:31:35Z
last-modified:  2022-06-09T12:31:36Z
source:         RIPE

organisation:   ORG-AS976-RIPE
org-name:       AS5398 SA
country:        CH
org-type:       LIR
address:        Via G.B. Pioda 12
address:        6900
address:        Lugano
address:        SWITZERLAND
phone:          +41580582319
admin-c:        AAD128-RIPE
tech-c:         AN32937-RIPE
abuse-c:        AR68488-RIPE
mnt-ref:        lir-ch-as5398-1-MNT
mnt-by:         RIPE-NCC-HM-MNT
mnt-by:         lir-ch-as5398-1-MNT
created:        2022-06-09T12:31:36Z
last-modified:  2022-06-09T12:31:36Z
source:         RIPE

role:           AS5398 Admin Dept
address:        SWITZERLAND
address:        Lugano
address:        6900
address:        Via G.B. Pioda 12
phone:          +41580582319
nic-hdl:        AAD128-RIPE
mnt-by:         lir-ch-as5398-1-MNT
created:        2022-06-09T12:31:35Z
last-modified:  2022-06-09T12:31:36Z
source:         RIPE

role:           AS5398 NOC
address:        SWITZERLAND
address:        Lugano
address:        6900
address:        Via G.B. Pioda 12
phone:          +41580582319
nic-hdl:        AN32937-RIPE
mnt-by:         lir-ch-as5398-1-MNT
created:        2022-06-09T12:31:35Z
last-modified:  2022-06-09T12:31:36Z
source:         RIPE

role:           AS5398 Admin Dept
address:        SWITZERLAND
address:        Lugano
address:        6900
address:        Via G.B. Pioda 12
phone:          +41580582319
nic-hdl:        AAD128-RIPE
mnt-by:         lir-ch-as5398-1-MNT
created:        2022-06-09T12:31:35Z
last-modified:  2022-06-09T12:31:36Z
source:         RIPE

role:           AS5398 NOC
address:        SWITZERLAND
address:        Lugano
address:        6900
address:        Via G.B. Pioda 12
phone:          +41580582319
nic-hdl:        AN32937-RIPE
mnt-by:         lir-ch-as5398-1-MNT
created:        2022-06-09T12:31:35Z
last-modified:  2022-06-09T12:31:36Z
source:         RIPE